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Really liking what I'm seeing here so far! I'm having a little trouble with the Action list. There's a lot of mixing narrative and combat actions in proximity to each other, which makes sense because some of them can be used in either section, but it makes it a little harder to tell which are "standard" combat options and I feel like there's some organizational logic that I'm not catching on to. Any tips?


Great question! As you pointed out, there's quite a lot of overlap, so there wasn't a single best way to organize the actions to keep the related ones close, but there was some logic to the order!

The actions start with the basic Magic-related actions, like Transform and Breathe and then the commonly-forgotten Help and Hinder. Then we have our Combat Actions including the "standard" combat actions with Defend your Friends through Chase, then we have the more narrative-focus actions ending with the pushed ones. Then the Sorceries, Initiative, and Downtime actions were able to be sorted into their own categories.

The long-term goal is a website where the actions can be sorted by tag, but now that I think about it, there's probably a quick way to use Google Sheets to sort these. I might try and mock something up! Thanks for mentioning this and giving the book a read!

thank you!!

I cooked something up, let me know if you have any feedback or if it does what you'd hope it would! Thanks for the idea!

Hello! I have a quick query: I was reading through this and realised on the rolls section (and some other sections) it's a bit unclear for what passes look like. You first say that anything under or equal to the threshold is a pass, then go on to give an example where you instead imply that anything equal or above the threshold is a pass, and continue with this new rule till the end of the section (also in how you describe Enhancing and Reducing, and how thresholds are defined). But, I know that your previous TTRPG, 2MMG had the equal to or below rule for passes, and I believe this is a developed piece from that original. 

So which rule is it? I only want clarification as to which counts as a pass in this RPG, whether the roll has to be above or below the threshold. (If you do clarify this now, I recommend going back to edit the document to clear out the contradictions)


Thanks for catching that! Wow, one typo can really make things confusing!

For clarification, Thresholds want you to roll equal to or above in order to pass, so if you roll a 6, it'll always be a pass.

That means when you Enhance a roll, the Threshold is decreased, which means there's a greater chance for your roll to succeed, and conversely when a roll is Reduced the Threshold is Increased, and so the roll has a lower likelihood of success.

That gives me a good reason to push some other edits and additions in, and I'll have a new version out later today! Thanks again for catching that, and I hope you have a fun time with the system!

Thanks for clarifying! Currently only imagining scenarios now, but hopefully I can rope a few friends together when the dreadful exam season is over-